We can win in every district with a radical Republican extremist.

We can win in every district. But too often, districts with Republican extremists are ignored and taken off the map.

That’s what we’re trying to fix. Investing democratic donors’ resources in long-term voter outreach programs in districts with Republican extremists.

This creates a positive feedback cycle

When we successfully invest in districts with Republican extremists, they start to be seen as “competitive” districts by political pundits.

That means that national organizations, donors, and media start paying attention—creating a virtuous cycle of institutional help, media coverage, donations, and ultimately votes.

And once we beat the most visible extremist Republicans, it makes it less likely that far-right Republicans will be viewed as viable by voters.

Building the foundation for a 435 district strategy

Our ultimate goal is building a Democratic playbook that can move the needle in every district and state in the country—not just the ones on the coasts.

If we can beat these radical Republican extremists in tough lean-Republican districts, we can beat Republicans everywhere.

Our holy grail at Defeat Extremists is to build the playbook to beat Republicans in all 435 congressional districts in the United States.

Join our grassroots team

We are 100% powered by grassroots donors like you. Will you chip in $5, $25, or any amount you can spare so we can beat extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene?